We collaborate with companies and institutions to identify, design and integrate elements of play. 

We transform behaviors, items and environments.

We do this because play builds motivation, fosters creativity, increases happiness, heightens engagement and makes people smile


We focus on strengthening the core values of our clients.

This is an important starting point for building loyalty and preference, and for enabling intrinsic motivation.

Templates for playful creativity

Selected publications

  • Legaard, J., 2020. Designing for play(ful) experiences. In Framing Play Design: A Hands-on Guide for Designers, Learners and Innovators. Ed. Gudiksen, S. & Skovbjerg, H.M. BISPublisher. Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp. 49-62

  • Legaard, J., 2019. Nudges for creativity: Integrating principles from play in work environments. The2019ISPIM Innovation Conference. Florence, June 2019.

  • Legaard, J., 2018. The road to happiness is paved with playful intentions. In Proceedings of DRS2018: Catalyst. Limerick 25th – 28th June 2018.

  • Jensen, J., 2014. Designing for profound experiences. Design Issues. 2014;30(3) pp. 39–52.


    Our approach builds on two main activities; Understanding and Ideation.

    We strive to deliver transformations elicited by playful engagement, designed, developed and implemented in close collaboration with the relevant stakeholders. 

    As both a starting point and reference tool, we use our custom template 'Playperspectives'.

    This is a useful tool for unfolding the tension between structure and spontaneity inherent in play.